Crazy Printing Trivia to Amaze You

Printing is a world of endless discovery. When you think you know everything about your inkjet printer or laser, there is always a little anecdote that will make you raise your eyebrows. Well regardless of the topic, history is filled with bizarre facts. Let’s go through some such printing trivia in this article.

The Chinese invented printing, not Gutenberg

printing trivia

Gutenberg here, Gutenberg there, the famous German inventor occupies a good place in the history books, but it is time to give credit where credit is due. Although he invented the modern press, he was not the first to invent printing itself. Nearly 500 years before its discovery, Chinese monks used pieces of wood dipped in ink to be able to print scrolls.

Chinese also invented the Business Cards

old business cards

We print thousands of business cards every day, but that was already the case centuries ago. During the 1400s, the Chinese were already using it, not for commercial reasons but to announce their visit to another person.

The beginnings of printing were turbulent

Gutenberg’s treasurer was Johann Fust, and his name became Faustus when translated into Latin. When printing first appeared, this technology was so new and innovative that some thought it was witchcraft. In addition, people thought that the red ink on the printed sheets was blood!

The first man to use a printing system in Australia was a prisoner!

The country received its first press system in 1788, but no one knew how to use it. From 1795 to 1880, a prisoner by the name of George Hughes was then taught to use the press, so the then governor, John Hunter, ordered him to print all the regulations and requisitions of the time.

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